
Our research has been actively supported by extramural and intramural research grants. We greatly appreciate the funding agencies' commitment to our research programs!

NIH/NIGMS R35 Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (R35GM154967)

Novel computational approaches for pharmacogenomics of complex diseases

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NIH/NCI K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award (R00CA248944)

Deep learning of drug sensitivity and genetic dependency of pediatric cancer cells

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NIH/OD Common Fund R03 (R03OD036494)

In silico screening for immune surveillance adaptation in cancer using Common Fund data resources

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NIH/OD Administrative Supplement (3R00CA248944-04S1)

Enhancing AI-readiness of multi-omics data for cancer pharmacogenomics

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Pittsburgh Liver Research Center (PLRC) Pilot and Feasibility Grant (P30DK120531)

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Leukemia Research Foundation New Investigator Research Grant Program

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The Fund for Innovation in Cancer Informatics (ICI) - Major Grant Award

Deep Learning-based prognostic model for management of men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

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UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Developmental Pilot Program (P30CA047904)

Hillman Early Career Fellow for Innovative Cancer Research

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